Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A Lunar New Year Reflection

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me.
Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows.But take heart, because I have overcome the world.
John 16:33
(New Living Translation)

My In-laws – the Ling’s family has a meaningful tradition that they keep every year. They will organize what they term as “Family Altar” during the Lunar New Year (a.k.a. Chinese New Year) where different ones come together to share about their journey with God for the past one year and as they look forward to the coming year, what are the things to commit to God in prayer.

I became part of this tradition since the last two years as a result of my marriage with their third lovely daughter. For the past two years it has been such an eye opener and new experience for me. Sharing was given and prayer was offered up with much gusto then. Nonetheless, this year I shared about the ‘dark’ and gloomy year God has brought me through in year 2006.

Year 2006 no doubt marks another important spiritual milestone in my life. It was not because of any great success or achievement that God has led me into. On the contrary, it was a year filled with trials and sorrow.

First, there was the news of my bosses leaving the company, leaving a great vacuum behind as they ravage whatever business left in company. My company’s business had not been doing well and merely broke even for the past two years. Sensing that year 2006 and 2007 are going to be more challenging than before and anticipating the possibility of making loss for the first time, my bosses decided to leave and start up with a new but much lower overhead cost endeavor. One of them made use of his ‘special’ relationship with the oversea principal and transfer the distributorship over night to the new company. Due to my good rapport with them, they even offered me the opportunity to join them in realizing their millionaire dreams. I was severely tempted. For a moment, I thought it must have been God’s blessing due to my ignorance and lack of experience. After much prayer and consultation with my elders, it was discerned that this was not a path God has prepared for me to take.

Then came the even more disturbing news of a cancer illness suffered by one of my church leaders. She has been one of the pillars of strength to many of us. Over the years we have grown fond of her because of her wisdom and loving care to each one of us. To many of us, she is just like our godmother. And yet, God chose to allow such horrible thing to happen to her in year 2006. Within a period of less than nine months, God took her away.

There was also the desire for both my wife and I with regards to starting a family in the later part of year 2006. Again, God has delayed his blessing for us. We cried up to Him for mercy and we kept on reminding ourselves that God’s way is higher than ours and His timing is perfect. And yet, we are still waiting and wondering why the delay.

Hence, this morning I came across the verse in John 16:33. It came like a sweet assurance to me even though I have read it many times before. Nevertheless, the timeliness of this verse makes it taste like freshly baked cookies from Heaven (Reminds me of the cookies that were given to us by friends and relatives during the recent festive celebration). This, I believe is a divine revelation.

In John Chapter 16, our Lord Jesus warned the disciples that tough and difficult times lay just ahead of them. He wanted to make sure that the disciples would stay faithful even when persecutions come upon them. Yet, what is most comforting is the fact that Jesus had not left them to face all these all by themselves. He promised them the Counselor (John 16:7) who will guide them into all truth (John 16:13). It is during difficult and painful times like these we really need God’s Spirit to remind us of who Jesus really is and what kind of eternal destiny awaits us on the other side of heaven. Only with such renewed perspective, we are able to shift our focus from the pain and suffering experienced on the cross to the glorious resurrected body of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In the closing of my sharing during the Family Altar 2007, I summarized my sharing in a statement: “I think God is teaching me to see his blessing in terms of the ‘absence’ rather than the ‘presence’ of things in year 2006.” We always find it easy to praise God and love Him in times of abundance. But God reminds me that we need to praise Him and continue to love Him even in times of neediness. The truth of the saying “God has not called us to be successful but to be faithful” has to sink in deeper in my life.

God bless me with John 16:33 ‘cookies’ this Lunar New Year. May He bless you with many ‘cookies’ as well this New Year.

By Brother Nai Kyn.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Our Evangelist - Prayer Requests

  1. For Revival of small group churches; the field is big and there is a lack of workers. Pray for more workers to be raised up.
  2. For 2 motorcycles because winter is near and the roads will be harder for my trishaw to travel. We need transport to cope with the scheduled pastoring and visitation works.
  3. For better communications. There are times when we cannot contact the co-workers.
  4. For wisdom and devotion to God's work. For strength to be God's witness and for more people to be edified.
  5. For my wife that she will not worry and be burdened by the family needs but submissively give of herself and supporting the gospel work.
  6. For our sons to grow in knowledge and wisdom and have God's work in their heart. We want to offer our elder son in January 2007 to God. Pray that he may get theological training in the future.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

1st GG Meeting in February

Today, we met at the home Seng Chor, Christine and Jordan.

Uncle Chan led us in a time of worship. We sang praises to His name. We give glory to His name. We were reminded that for every time we pray, we move the hands of God. God answers prayers! There is no other name but the name of Jesus.

We read Psalm 147 together:

Psalm 147
1 Praise the LORD. How good it is to sing praises to our God,
how pleasant and fitting to praise him!
2 The LORD builds up Jerusalem;
he gathers the exiles of Israel.
3 He heals the brokenhearted
and binds up their wounds.
4 He determines the number of the stars
and calls them each by name.
5 Great is our Lord and mighty in power;
his understanding has no limit.
6 The LORD sustains the humble b
ut casts the wicked to the ground.
7 Sing to the LORD with thanksgiving;
make music to our God on the harp.
8 He covers the sky with clouds;
he supplies the earth with rain
and makes grass grow on the hills.
9 He provides food for the cattle
and for the young ravens when they call.
10 His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse,
nor his delight in the legs of a man;
11 the LORD delights in those who fear him,
who put their hope in his unfailing love.
12 Extol the LORD, O Jerusalem;
praise your God, O Zion,
13 for he strengthens the bars of your gates
and blesses your people within you.
14 He grants peace to your borders
and satisfies you with the finest of wheat.
15 He sends his command to the earth;
his word runs swiftly.
16 He spreads the snow like wool
and scatters the frost like ashes.
17 He hurls down his hail like pebbles.
Who can withstand his icy blast?
18 He sends his word and melts them;
he stirs up his breezes, and the waters flow.
19 He has revealed his word to Jacob,
his laws and decrees to Israel.
20 He has done this for no other nation;
they do not know his laws.
Praise the LORD.

Word Time: Every-Member Ministry (2 Corinthians 3)

Key verses:
2 Corinthians 3
4 Such confidence we have through Christ before God.
5 Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.
6 He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

"Christianity is essentially a lay movement. Every person in Christ is a minister, a priest, a prophet, a prince or princess in the kingdom of God. This every-member ministry takes place not only in the church but in the home, workplace and society - all the places we inhabit from Monday to Saturday" (Paul Stevens)

All believers are competent for ministry in Christ.
What makes us competent to minister is not our credentials, not even our freedom from struggles and difficulties, but the work of the Spirit writing the law on our hearts. This qualifies us all to become ministers of the new covenant in the Spirit.

How has this passage encouraged you to feel competent to minister as a disciple of Jesus?

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Abundant Grace


Eph 5:20
Always give thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

The 5th February 2007 was a good day for me.

It started with an adjournment of a 2 days criminal trial at KL Magistrate Court. When I got to the office, I had a call from my friend who is down from America for Chinese New Year (CNY). She wanted to pass me an ovulation test kit which she bought for me as a gift. She knew that I was trying for a 2nd child.

My colleague, Azura and I went to Tesco Ampang during our lunch break. I wanted to change Reuel’s CNY outfit for a bigger size. We first had lunch at Kluang Station. I had nasi lemak with fried chicken. As I was finishing my meal, suddenly I saw a strand of hair on the rice. Azura called for the waitress and showed it to her. I thought…never mind, I had almost finished my meal. Before I knew it I had a free lunch!

At Tesco, I was told that the exchange policy was for items returned within 7 days from the date of purchase. I had bought Reuel’s outfit on 19th January 2007. However, I was allowed to exchange the outfit from size 2 to size 5. The supervisor told me that despite the item now being on sale I was not entitled to get the refund. I said no problem, all I wanted was for Reuel to be able to wear it. However, the supervisor at the customer service gave me a refund for the difference in the price. Azura said it was really my day! The first thought that came to me was that it was God’s favour.

When I got home, I received a mail from Theng Lan who is now working in Geneva. It was a RM100 gift voucher from Mandarin Oriental for Roy & I to enjoy on the occasion of her birthday!

Roy also had a good day. Roy’s boss spoke to him and told him that even though its not company policy to give adjustment or increment to confirmed staff of less than 1 year they decided to do so for him. Roy has been in this company for 7 months and he has had an adjustment upon confirmation last year and an increment with effect January 2007. Boss changed the company policy for the very first time for Roy, not once but twice! To be honest, I was very unhappy over the increment amount. Then God reminded me that Roy had no right to any increment but God in His grace and mercy blessed him with it. The boss had earlier informed Roy that they were willing to pay for his Mandarin classes.

When I was reflecting in the evening on God’s goodness, I was reminded that when I had my miscarriage on 9th Jan 2007, Dr Liew F O of Assunta Hospital did not charge me for consultation and the scan. I was grateful to God that I did not have to do a DNC but I got a bonus...0 bill! For the follow up visit, I saw Dr Liew for consultation and he did a scan to confirm that all was clear. While chatting, he asked whether I wanted a pap smear done. I said ok coz the last one I did was 2 years ago. I left his room after the pap smear and asked the nurse for the document for the billing department. She told me no billing and that I had to pay only the lab charges for the pap smear. I said why? She laughed and said the doctor said FOC!

I thank God for the change in the EPF policy on or about 31.12.2006. All monies in Account 3 have been transferred to Account 2. I had jokingly told a Christian friend that God was at work to cause EPF to change the policy to enable me to clear my housing loan account this year. My EPF withdrawal from Account 2 to reduce my housing loan is due in May. As I have paid my housing loan with Citibank in advance until next year (due to earlier EPF withdrawals), as of January I am no longer paying the loan. In May 2007, with my EPF withdrawal, my housing loan for the BU house will be fully settled. I took the original loan for 20 years but entirely due to God’s grace it will be settled in less than 10 years. I also am grateful and thankful to my mum who helped me with a generous deposit for the BU house as my dowry house. She also helped me with the renovations.

Even though boss indicated late last year and also early this year, that he may close our departments, the fact that I continue to get my salary is entirely due to God’s grace. Since we started praying in November 2006, boss has stopped dumping his own $ into the firm to pay our salaries.

With respect to the Pelangi Damansara apartments, I was notified last week that a student agent wants to book our units for rental. We will be getting the keys from the developer late March 2007. I am grateful to God for the interest by the agent and we are praying whether we should release it to him. It would help with the installment payments, but we have reservations due to the horror stories we have heard about renting to students.

God granted me the desire of my heart for a family holiday. Roy, Reuel & I are booked for Bali on 1st to 4th April 2007. Roy & I will be celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary on 5th April 2007.

Thank you Father for your hand of favour, mercy, grace and love over my live and my family.

When I had my 2nd miscarriage on 9th January 2007, I wept and asked God “Why does everything have to be difficult for me? - postponement of our marriage from the original date, objections and rejection by Roy’s family to me and our marriage, 1st miscarriage, closing down of my own firm after 8 months, etc.” It was self pity plus a lot of other things. When the going gets tough, this written Testimony is a reminder to me that God’s grace has been abundant in my life.

~ Selvi ~

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

2 Princes and 1 Little Princess

The 3 toddlers and our GG Leader

Hmm...what are these 2 young boys trying to do?
Ransacking a girl's bed?

A charming prince and a little princess.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Our GG Leader and our Youngest Member

Isn't she super adorable?
She is our youngest future leader in the GG.
Her name is Rebecca Wong Jun Li - precious daughter of Chris and Linda Wong.

Philippines Mission Trip Thanksgiving Dinner

Last Saturday, 3 February 2007, the Philippines Mission Team 2006 organised a thanksgiving dinner at Antioch Centre. The team comprises of 17 members from 3 churches - Bangsar Gospel Centre, Bandar Utama Chapel and Melawati Gospel Centre.

The programme:
6:30 pm - Dinner
(Menu: Dominoes Pizzas, Pasta with mushroom cream sauce (cooked by David Yong), black sauce chicken, broccoli and cauliflower dish, glutinous rice (shaped like rice ball) and apple crumble + ice cream for dessert.)


Video presentation

Short skit

Sharing by Team Leader - sister Yoke Kheng

Message by brother Douglas


The response was overwhelming. A crowd of 80 was expected but about 100 or more people turned up. Seng Chor, Jordan and I arrived after 7 pm, and the food was almost gone.

My personal experience of the event:
I thank God for the unity expressed by the team. It's amazing how all 17 of them came together and worked as a family. Most of them do not know each other well before the trip. They were truly flexible, available and teachable (FAT). Indeed, they have made a difference in the lives of the people in Philippines.

Glory to God!

Friday, February 2, 2007

GG Birthdays

Linda ~~ 11 January
Aunty Chan ~~ 17 January

Uncle Lim ~~ 10 March
Roy ~~ 26 March

Wing Cheong ~~ 9 April
Reuel ~~ 11 April 2005
Rebecca ~~ 28 April 2006

Uncle Chan ~~ 19 May
Rachelle ~~ 25 May

Seng Chor ~~ 3 June

Yoke Teen ~~ 15 July

Raymond ~~ 20 August

Christopher ~~ 5 September
Sue ~~ 8 September

Nai Kyn ~~ 18 November
Selvi ~~ 22 November

Christine ~~ 2 December
Michelle ~~ 12 December
Jordan ~~ 14 December 2005
Aunty Lim ~~ 15 December
Grace ~~ 20 December

Our GG Leader and the Future Leaders

GG Members - March 2005

Hmm...this is the only GG photo I have.
It was taken for BUC 10th Anniversary.

Reuel is also there. Can you 'see' him? :)

(We should take our latest photo soon.)

Congregational Worship - 4 February 2007

We will be worshipping at Antioch Centre this Sunday, 4 February 2007.

Speaker: Elder Hok Seng

Message: Ministers of the New Covenant in the Spirit
(2 Corinthians 2,3)

Special Event: Farewell lunch for John and Wan Yi

Prayer points:

  • Please continue to pray for our brother Nai Kyn who will be speaking at SJGC this Sunday.

Birthdays in January

Aunty Chan celebrated her 78th birthday on 17 January 2007.

Our sister Linda celebrated her birthday on 11 January 2007.

Happy and Blessed birthday to both of them.

20th Wedding Anniversary

Our beloved Uncle Wing Cheong and Aunty Sue celebrated their 20th Wedding Anniversary on 24 January 2007. We had a simple celebration for them at the home of Uncle and Aunty Lim.

Congratulations to them!

God bless their marriage with more love.


Blessed New Year 2007 to all!